About Us

CorteCros Co. Ltd. was founded in 1998. as a joint venture between  Cortec Corporation Minnesota, USA and Crosco , Oil Service. Ltd. , member of INA group. CorteCros Ltd. is general distributor for Croatia and south-east Europe of mother company Cortec Corporation.

In the 2016. through acquisition process CorteCros Ltd. Is fully owned by Cortec corporation, and it’s fully integrated in new Cortec business strategy with all of it’s potentials. Cortec corporation is one of the world biggest producers of corrosion inhibitors for protection against corrosion and place its products in over 90 countries all around the globe.

For 23 years CorteCros Ltd. has been successful and present with corrosion protection products on Croatian, as well as world market. Together with Cortec corporation, CorteCros Ltd. is providing technical support for Cortec products and services in all industrial fields, especially in military and oil industries, in which CorteCros has a lot of experience.

Headquarters of CorteCros Ltd. is in Zagreb, Nova Ves 57, production and distribution center is in Kaštel Sućurac near Split. Within the distribution center CorteCros Ltd. owns customs warehouse from which the Cortec anticorrosion products are distributed all around Europe and world.

Distribution center in Kaštel Sućurac is main European location for storing Cortec products, as well as products form Bionetix International from Canada, company that is producing biological products from microbial and enzyme base, and it is also owned by Cortec Corporation.

Zagreb main square and cathedral aerial view
CorteCros office with workers at their desks

Renovated Facilities

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