August 7, 2023
Corrosion inside fuel tanks can lead to serious problems from leakage or corrosion products that clog the system. To make matters worse, the issue may be difficult to detect inside the hidden atmosphere. All too often, corrosion occurs in the headspace above the fuel where water condenses and fuel additives cannot reach. Cortec® VpCI®-707 changes that by delivering more comprehensive, efficient protection to the entire tank.
Cortec’s Newest Generation Fuel Additive
VpCI®-707 is Cortec’s newest generation fuel additive for protection of fuel systems from corrosion during operation, storage, or shipment. It effectively provides corrosion protection in the fuel system not only in direct contact with the treated fuel, but also in the vapor space above the fuel line. This is due to the presence of Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors that diffuse throughout enclosed voids and adsorb on metal surfaces as a protective molecular layer. VpCI®-707 also offers improved water handling and improved fuel stability.
How to Use VpCI®-707
The characteristics of VpCI®-707 make it suitable for day-to-day operation, intermittent operation, and storage. There are two main applications. One is to add VpCI®-707 directly to gasoline or diesel fuel in blending, storage, or vehicle tanks that are in use. This can be done at a dose of 0.02-0.2% per tank volume. Dry fuel storage tanks being shipped or stored can be fogged with VpCI®-707 concentrate, covering as much internal surface area as possible (although the vapors are also designed to protect surfaces to which it is not directly applied).
Fighting Corrosion on Tank Farms
Airports, gas stations, farms, and other facilities that have tank farms and/or store a large amount of fuel onsite can benefit from VpCI®-707 to minimize the amount of corrosion that occurs inside the tanks. Instead of relying on contact-only inhibitors, tank owners and managers can fight corrosion in all parts of the tank, including the vulnerable ceilings where moisture is more likely to condense and cause corrosion.
Corrosion Protection During Export
Another great use of VpCI®-707 is for the protection of fuel tanks in new trucks or heavy equipment being exported to other states or countries. During overseas transport, changes in temperature and humidity can cause condensation to build up inside the tanks, leading to corrosion by the time the equipment reaches its destination. Instead of opening the tank to find a shiny metal interior, the receiving workers may unscrew the fuel cap only to find corrosion spots inside—hardly the sight that manufacturers want customers to see on a new vehicle. One of the challenges with using traditional contact-only corrosion inhibitors is that the fuel tank must be filled as full as possible to get maximum protection. This can be dangerous and difficult during transport. It is often preferable to fill the fuel tanks with only enough fuel to drive the equipment up onto the flatbed or into the container and drive it off the trailer when it reaches the end user. VpCI®-707 makes this possible since it can be fogged into an almost empty tank to protect the entire void.
Other possible applications the following:
- Equipment operating in harsh industrial or offshore environments
- Generators or other equipment going into seasonal storage
- Industrial plants going into temporary layup
Protect More with VpCI®-707
Fuel tank corrosion is nothing to play around with. The hazardous nature of fuel means that leakage should be avoided because of its polluting and flammable nature. VpCI®-707 helps by protecting areas of the tank that other corrosion inhibitors may not be able to reach and making it easy for manufacturers to leave less fuel in the tank during transport. Contact Cortec® to learn more about using VpCI®-707 in your application!
Keywords: fuel tank corrosion, fuel additives, corrosion inhibitors, corrosion protection during export, corrosion protection for generators, tank farm corrosion, tank farm management, Cortec, VpCI, oil and gas corrosion
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