Cor-Pak® Dunnage Bags Powered by Nano-VpCI®


Description: Cor-Pak® VpCI® Dunnage is a perfect packaging material that combines Cortec’s patented Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibiting (VpCI®) Technology with the cushioning function of common dunnage bags. It ensures your valuable shipments arrive at their destinations corrosion-free and nick-free. Cor-Pak® VpCI® Dunnage is a flexible Tyvek®* pouch packed with VpCI®-emitting cushioning materials. Cortec’s patented VpCI® Technology releases multi-metal VpCI® protection through the breathable Tyvek® fabric. VpCI® Dunnage Bags are non-toxic and do not contain any nitrites, phosphates, or silicates. One VpCI® Dunnage Bag provides superior multi-metal corrosion protection for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, simplifying your packaging procedures and reducing your shipping costs.

Application: Protection of equipment from corrosion and physical damage during shipping and storage Cushioning of sensitive equipment and parts Corrosion protection of sensitive equipment and parts Shipping and storage of bearings, coils, springs, pipes, etc. Shipping and storage of engines, machinery, tools, hardware, appliances, instruments, etc. Shipping and storage of electrical and electronic components, controls, etc.

Package: Standard pouch size: 6” x 12” (15.24 cm x 30.48 cm), packaged 30 per carton. Custom sizes and constructions available upon request.

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