Help in temporarily fixing accidental holes in drums and tanks as well as being used to protect your drains!
Accidents do happen and we all do our utmost to prevent them. However, when they do take place – it’s always a good idea to be able to stop the leak at the source (drum, tank, etc). With this in mind, we can now offer two types of products – our Sealing Putty and our Emergency Granules.
Sealing Putty – Putty which can be used immediately.
• Can be used even if the surface is greasy, rusty or dirty.
• Contains the leak for up to 48 hours.
• Resistant to most chemicals and other industrial liquids.
Sealing Granules – Simply mix with water to create your own putty.
• Long shelf life.
• Ready to use in a few seconds.
• Can also be used even if surface is not treated (clean).
• Can be used as a barrier to protect drains and prevent movement of spilled liquids.

Step 1 – Knead putty to plug the hole

Step 2 – Wipe surface dry & patch over the hole with remaining putty
Part No. | Description | Content |
SA-EMP190 SA-EMP500 SA-EMP1000 SA-EMG1000 SA-EMG5000 SA-EMG10000 |
Emergency Spill Putty Emergency Spill Putty Emergency Spill Putty Emergency Spill Granules Emergency Spill Granules Emergency Spill Granules |
190 g 5 liters 10 liters 1 liter 5 liters 10 liters |