VpCI®-391 is a fast drying, water-based temporary coating that provides protection in harsh, outdoor, unsheltered applications. Provides multimetal protection. Excellent UV resistance. Can be matched to some custom colors. Provides a hazy, dry, non-tacky film. Use of VpCI®-391 on weld joints does not negatively impact weld geometry or mechanical properties of the weld. It can be used to keep surfaces corrosion free prior to welding.
Package: VpCI®-391 is available in 5 gallon (19 L) pails, 55 gallon (208 L) metal drums, liquid totes, and bulk. To ensure best product performance, store in original packaging, indoors, and out of direct sunlight at 40-100 °F (4- 38 °C).
Shelf life: 2 years
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