CorrLam® LD


This unique structure consists of a clear polyester extrusion coating, laminated to a 0.285 mil aluminum foil, of which is laminated to a 4-mil Cortec® VpCI®-126 film. Total caliper is 7.3 mils (182.5 microns). This multilayered high performance laminated structure was developed to meet the toughest industrial requirements, provides an excellent barrier to water vapor, gas, ultraviolet light and odor. The barrier layer (foil) prevents the VpCI® molecular vapor from escaping from the package thereby trapping the protective chemistry within.

Application: • CorrLam® is designed for the exceptional protection of moisture-sensitive and oxygen-sensitive metal parts • Ideal for vacuum packaging • Utilized for fabrication of large format equipment covers and small parts pouches • For ocean shipment the use of VpCI®-132 foam pads in combination with CorrLam® LD VpCI® Barrier Laminate is recommended

Package:Available in custom sizes such as pouches, covers, blankets etc.

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CorrLam LD VpCI