VpCI®-143 Paper Emitters, Patented


Cortec® VpCI®-143 Paper Emitters are a convenient and cost effective solution to corrosion problems. They provide superior corrosion protection for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. In addition, Cortec® VpCI®-143 Paper Emitters are fully recyclable/ repulpable. They can be recycled into other types of paper products such as boxes, cardboard and other corrugated materials. VpCI®-143 Paper Emitters are environmentally safe, non-toxic, biodegradable and don’t contain any nitrites, phosphates, silicates or other hazardous compounds.

Package: Custom sizes and constructions available upon request, in a 42lbs./1,000sq. ft. (205 g/m2) linerboard. Other basis weights are also available.

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VpCI-143 Paper Emitters