EcoLine® CLP


EcoLine® CLP is a “green” version of a multifunctional penetrant/ lubricant, which provides the following properties:
• Lubrication
• Penetration
• Corrosion protection in humid and harsh environments
• Cleaning

This product is designed for industrial, shop and home use. EcoLine® CLP is perfect for indoor and outdoor application and safe for use on all metals and most plastics.

This EcoLine® product is based on a combination of canola oil and canola methyl ester as a carrier. Being 89-91% biobased, this product provides excellent lubricity and biodegradability. EcoLine® CLP is environmentally friendly and leaves behind a very persistent layer that protects against corrosion.

• In-plant machining
• Bar and chain oil
• Flange lubricant
• Biodegradable and preservative oil for machinery
• Locks and hinges
• Nuts and bolts
• Office machinery
• Penetrating oil/lubricant

USDA Certified Biobased Product 89%

Package: EcoLine® CLP is packaged in 16 oz. (455 ml) spray bottles, 5 gallon (19 liter) pails, 55 gallon (208 liter) drums, liquid totes and bulk. The product should be sealed before storage. The shelf life of EcoLine® CLP is up to 24 months.

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